NOVOgen Brown Light

A strong hen with good laying ability and efficient feed consumption.
  • High number of sortable M & L eggs
  • Excellent egg quality
  • Efficient feed intake, low feed cost per egg produced
  • Good feathering combined with pleasant behaviour


The NOVOgen Brown Light is a robust, vital hen that lays many first grade,  brown eggs. Behaviour has a big influence on the production of your laying hens. It affects egg quality, nesting behaviour and  the viability (or failure rate) of your hens. It also determines the labour input required. This laying hen is therefore bred for the right behavioural traits and, of course, high production.

The NOVOgen Brown Light is selected for good feathering and has a high laying capacity with a high egg quality. The technical results of the NOVOgen Brown Light support high efficiency: the number of Grade 1 eggs is high, both at the beginning and at the end of the laying curve. This hen combines efficiency with a strong and good coloured eggshell. Due to its vitality, high laying capacity and efficient feed consumption, the profitability of the NOVOgen Brown Light is high. The NOVOgen Brown Light is the best choice for you if you sell brown eggs by the piece, and want to earn a lot!

Facts at a glance

Rearing period (0-18 weeks)

Weight at 18 weeks  1421 g

Laying period

50% in production 20 - 21 weken

Per hen housed (85 weeks) - alternative

Number of eggs 386 eieren
Average egg weight 61,5 - 63,5 gram
Feed intake (per day) 118 - 124 gram
Feed conversion 2,19 - 2,23 kg
Average amount of feed per egg  139 - 143 gram

Per housed hen (85 weeks) - alternative

Nest behaviour good
Feathering good
Shell strength very good
Shell colour Brown
Vitality (survival ratio) 93 - 95%


Productionchart Alternative systems
Productionchart Free range and Biological